Join Session with Third World Conference on PCMDDD September 26, 2013
AFM Nanoimaging and nanomechanics for nanomedicine
Ratnesh Lal
G-quadruplex DNA and DNA origami: Insights from atomic force microscopy
Robert Henderson
Structural dynamics of single molecules using Atomic Force Microscopy
Jean-Luc Pellequer
Online Bioaffinity-Mass Spectrometry: New Tool for Simultaneous Detection, Structure Determination and Affinity Quantification of Protein-Ligand Interactions from Biological Material
Michael Przybylski
Standardization in Cell Mechanical Measurements
Manfred Radmacher
Workshop Education
Lego AFM
Bruno Tiribilli
Minutes of MC Meeting
Chairman (PP) presentation modified during the meeting and serving, after approval by the MC, as minute of the MC meeting
Gabriela Cristea presentation
Important Information concerning other COST Activities
From the new Vademecum Part 2
2. Conference Grant for ESR
2.1 Definition, procedure and eligibility
A Conference Grant for ESR is a grant paid by the COST Office to allow the grantee to participate as a speaker to an international conference outside of the COST Action Activities. Each DC can give up to 3 grants per year. The oral presentation of the grantee at the selected international conference must be accepted; otherwise the grant will not be eligible. The selection process takes place by written procedure, during a DC meeting or before/after a DC meeting by the Executive Group of the DC. The approval process is as follows:
1. A written application must be submitted to the DC by the COST Office SO, via the MC Chair.
The Action should perform a first round of selection amongst the applications received.
Applications (based on the COST provided template) must contain:
Personal data and a short scientific CV of the applicant;
A short description of involvement in the respective COST Action (300 words);
Any relevant data on the conference to which the applicant would like to participate;
A copy of the abstract submitted to the conference and a proof of acceptance of this abstract
by the conference;
The amount of the support needed;
2. The applicant selection depends on the criteria as defined by the DC;
3. The final decision shall be taken by written procedure by the DC Chair and 3 other DC
4. After the conference, a short written report shall be prepared by the speaker and be sent to the
COST Office SO. The SO will then communicate it to the DC and the MC of the related Action.
5. The payment of the grant is only possible upon approval of this written report by the COST
Office SO.