Education workshop organized in connection with COST Action TD 0906
Camogli (Genova, Italy), (14)15-16 April 2013
Local Organizers: Massimo Vassalli, Alessandro Podestà
download the Agenda (pdf)
SUNDAY April 14th
18-20: arrival and welcome aperitif
MONDAY April 15th
9:30 - Starting COST meeting. Welcome and introduction (M. Vassalli)
9.45 - Topic 1: Strategies for teaching AFM
- Talk from a doctor of medicine interested in AFM: needs and expectations (Dr. Sanja Kezic, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; time: 25')
- Talk from a physicist building tools for biologists (Dr. Tomaso Zambelli, ETH Zürich, SWITZERLAND; time: 25')
- Discussion, reporting experiences from participants.
11.00 - Coffee break
11.20 - Topic 2: AFM recipes.
- Introduction (A. Podestà)
- Discussion (hot topics, a new shape for old things, connection to standardization activities)
13:00 - Lunch
14:30 - Topic 3: Educational AFM kit
- Introduction (Dr. Bruno Tiribilli, CNR - ISC, Firenze, Italy; time 20-30')
- Discussion
16.00 - Coffee break
16.20 - Topic 4: Virtual tools for teaching AFM
- Reporting on NanoHUB experience and figuring out similar tools for understanding cell mechanics experiments
17.00 - Conclusion of the workshop. Towards the practical implementation of activities
- Short- and medium-term schedule, assign coordinators to each topic, define working sub-groups.
17.30 - Tutti a spasso
20.30 - Social dinner along the sea in Camogli harbour (restaurant Vento Ariel, link)
TUESDAY April 16th
8.45 - Visit to "la Tonnarella* di Camogli" (some more info, or a video)
* The Tonnarella is the traditional seasonal device used to catch migratory species along the coast of Camogli.
Required approx 18 Euro + ferry-boat fee per person (not reinbursed by COST Action).
12.00 - back to Camogli and Lunch
13.00 - Transfer to Genova for AFM School COST Action TD0906