Action Organisation
The COST Action is coordinated by a Management Committee (MC)* assisted by a Core Group (CG). The CG is composed of the Chair and the Vice-Chair of the Action, 5 nominated Leaders for the Working Groups (WGs) and 1 Task Coordinators (TCs). Each of the 5 WGs is coordinated by the WG leader with one assisting colleague. Each WG is composed of at least 5 experts including the Leader and Vice-Leader.
The core-group consists of the Chair and Vice Chair, Working Group Leaders, and Grant Holder Administrator:
Chair: Pierre Parot (France) Vice Chair: Hans Oberleithner (Germany)
WG1 Leader: Simon Scheuring (France)
WG2 Leader: Salvatore Cannistraro (Italy)
WG3 Leader Peter Schön (The Netherlands)
WG4 Leader: Vesna Svetlicic (Croatia)
WG5 Leader: Ricardo Garcia (Spain)
Grant Holder Administrator Jean-Luc Pellequer (France)
The MC unanimously elected Paolo Facci (Italy) and Daniel Navajas (Spain) as the financial rapporteurs.
Alessandro Podesta is the leader of the Educational Side.
DC Rapporteurs: Prof. Pavle ANDJUS (RS)
DC Rapporteurs: Prof. Spiros H. ANASTASIADIS (EL)
Science officer of the Action: Dr Giuseppe LUGANO (formerly 2010-2012 Dr Magdalena RADWANSKA)
Administrative officer of the Action: Ms Anja VAN DER SNICKT
* on old COST website