Training School Marcoule 1-6 September 2013

The next Summer School will happen in Marcoule  1-6 September 2013.

This third Training School will be associated with AFMBioMed Summer School Marcoule 2013.


The School offers an introduction to Atomic Force Microscopy in Life Sciences and Medicine for Ph.D student, post-docs or young scientists. Lectures in the morning are complemented by hands-on experiments in the afternoon. There are about 20 places for students doing hands-on experiments. These places will be given preferentially to European students. Participants are encouraged to send a CV and a motivation letter. AFM beginners are welcome.

 Trainees will be welcomed by CEA Life Sciences Division Institute of environmental biology and biotechnology (CEA/DSV/iBeB/SBTN)

Lectures and training will be organized in building CIS-Bio (Bât 170) CEA MARCOULE.

Local Organizer: Michael Odorico


The School thanks  .



Sunday 1 September Val de Cèze 19:30 Welcome of participants + dinner

Monday 2 September 2013

9:00 Presentation of the training school agenda.

Attendees Self-introduction

9:30 (2 minutes max, 2 slides max)

Keynote lectures from 10:30 to 12:30

Christoph Gerber, Universität  Basel, Basel Switzerland


Monday 2

Tuesday 3

Wednesday 4

Thursday 5

Friday 6

























     Trainers / Lecturers

Rui Chaves, CEA Marcoule, France

Yannick Delcuze, CEA Marcoule, France

Mickael Febvre, BRUKER France  //  Lecture Monday 2 September

Christian Godon, CEA Marcoule, France

Sébastien Janel, Institut Pasteur Lille, France

Frank Lafont, Institut Pasteur Lille, France  // Lecture Friday 6 September

Pierre-Emmanuel Milhiet, CNRS Montpellier, France  //  Lecture Thursday 5 September

Michael Odorico, CEA Marcoule, France

Jean-Luc Pellequer, CEA Marcoule, France  // Lecture on Wednesday 4 September

Manfred Radmacher,  Universität  Bremen, Germany  //  Lecture Tuesday 3 September

Félix Rico, INSERM Luminy Marseille, France  // Lecture on Tuesday 3 September

Simon Scheuring, INSERM Luminy Marseille, France  // Lecture on Wednesday 4 September and Thursday 5 September

Jean-Marie Teulon, CEA Marcoule, France


     Training from 13:30 to 18:00

5 AFM instruments will be operational + computers for data processing


The program is still under construction but will be quite similar to the 2011 edition.


Marcoule 2013 Info for the attendees

You should plan arriving in Avignon-TGV, Sunday September 1st, late afternoon and leave Avignon-TGV, Friday September 6 from 15:00.



Bagnols sur Cèze

Shuttle from Hotel Val de Cèze to Marcoule at 8:00 on Monday, 8:30 other days.

Shuttle from Marcoule to Val de Cèze at 18:00


Train Station Avignon TGV

Summer School Bus transfers

  Avignon TGV to Bagnols on Sunday September 1st at 19:00

  Bagnols (MARCOULE) to  Avignon TGV  on Friday September 6 at 14:00 (from SNTN)


Public Transportation line B22 (Pont Saint Esprit - Avignon TGV) (after September 2)

 From Avignon TGV Station 9:40 or 13:50 or 19:40. Please stop at Bagnols sur Cèze (Paniscoule).

From Bagnols (Paniscoule) to Avignon TGV Departures: 5:53, 6:38, 7:24, 8:56, 9:53, 10:47, 11:53, 12:47,13:53, 14:18, 15:08, 16:18, 17:18



Mutatis mutandis ("changing [only] those things (like dates) which need to be changed") you can find a lot of info from a previous attendee here: