The Meeting will be welcome by Università della Tuscia.
Local Organizer: Prof. Salvatore Cannistraro
Workshop "Standardization" for HR, FORCE and MECHANICS
Map of Viterbo
Mini Palace Hotel ****
Via Santa Maria della Grotticella 2/b
01100 Viterbo, Italia
Tel. +39.0761.309742
Fax +39.0761.344715
Please, make room reservation before February 28, 2014 at info@minipalacehotel.com
web: http://www.clas.ufl.edu/ipsa/2009/viterbomap.pdf
Single room: 60 Euro; Double with single use 69 Euro; double room 75 Euro. Free Wifi, conference room and garage.
It is located very close to the Viterbo medieval walls (then close to the center) and to the main, ancient University building.
How to reach Viterbo:
Fly to Fiumicino Airport ( International Rome Airport). From the Airport there is a train to Viterbo (Porta Romana), with a train change at Roma Trastevere, every about 40 minutes. In total it takes a little bit more than 2 hours ( Fiumicino - Roma Trastavere is ~9 €; Roma Trastavere - Viterbo is ~ 17 €).

The Mini Palace Hotel is at a walking distance from the Viterbo Porta Romana railway station. If you rent a car at the airport, take the highway to Civitavecchia, then the Aurelia Road and follow the directions to Viterbo (It takes almost 1.5 hours).
If the arrivals to the Rome Airport will reasonably cluster on March 19th afternoon, a public bus shuttle could be arranged. Therefore, you are kindly requested to communicate your travel schedule to cannistr@unitus.it as soon as possible.
Preliminary Agenda
- Wednesday, March 19 (Afternoon/Evening)
Arrival of participants.
Free dinner.
- Thursday, March 20
9:30 Rendezvous at Mini Palace Hotel
10:00 –13:00 (Old main Building of Unituscia)
* Welcome from the UniTuscia Rector, Prof. Alessandro Ruggieri
*Lecture: Physical virology with Atomic Force Microscopy, Pedro J. de Pablo Gómez, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
*Lecture: Biomolecule recognition using piezoresistive nanomechanical force probes, Giordano Tosolini, CSIC Barcelona & IIT Lecce.
*Visit of UniTuscia main building
*Lunch (invited from UniTuscia)
14:30 – 17:30 (MiniPalace Hotel Conference Hall)
High Resolution
Dinner (free)
- Friday, March 21 (MiniPalace Hotel)
AFM Mechanical Standardization
Jens Schäpe
Standardization in Mechanical Measurements: Report on Experiments Round 0 through 6
Holger Doschke
Tools for Analyzing Mechanical Data according to the Dubrovnik procedure
Manfred Radmacher
The Dubrovnik procedure: how to improve accuracy in mechanical measurements
Coffee Break
Lunch (MiniPalace Hotel)
14:30- 17: 30
Social Dinner
- Saturday, March 22 (MiniPalace Hotel)
Coffee Break
Mechanics Group discussion
End of working Group Meeting
Lunch (MiniPalace Hotel)
Dissemination Mechanics Groups