MC Meeting on Friday 27 (morning) September 2013
MC Meeting will happen on Friday morning.
Accorging to COST rules, this is a 1 day, 2 nights (120€) meeting.
MC/WG Meeting on Thursday 26 and Friday 27 (afternoon) September 2013
Accorging to COST rules, this is a 2 day, 3 nights (120€) meeting.
Thursday morning: Workshop on Drug Discovery
The session will be a join event with the 3rd World Conference on Physico Chemical Methods in Drug Discovery and Development. COST Action members can freely participate at the joint session. For those who wish to participate at the whole IAPC meeting reduced registration fees are applied. Please visit the website of the IAPC conference by clicking the picture below. Additional info can be obtained at
A very nice excursion at Ston and its very old saltwork on Wednesday afternoon including a dinner is organized. COST Action members who do not participate at IAPC meeting and wish to go to excursion are expected to pay the whole amount which is expected to be around 40-50 €.

Local Organizer: Vesna Svetlicic & Zoran Mandic
Thursday, September 26th, Joint PCMDDD-3 & COST Action TD 1002 session (Lecture room Coral, Hotel Neptun)
Chairs: Vesna Svetličić and Pierre Parot
Ratnesh Lal, Srinivasan Ramachandran, Fernando Teran Arce, Preston Landon, University of California San Diego, USA, AFM Nanoimaging and nanomechanics for nanomedicine,
Robert Henderson, University of Cambridge, UK, G-quadruplex DNA and DNA origami: Insights from atomic force microscopy
Coffee break
Jean-Luc Pellequer, Shu-wen W. Chen, Michael Odorico, Jean-Marie Teulon, Pierre Parot, Rui C. Chaves, CEA, France, Structural dynamics of single molecules using Atomic Force Microscopy
Michael Przybylski, Stefan Slamnoiu, Mihaela Stumbaum, Camelia Vlad, Kathrin Lindner, Christiaan Karreman, Marcel Leist, and Bastian Hengerer, University of Konstanz, Germany, Online Bioaffinity-Mass Spectrometry: New Tool for Simultaneous Detection, Structure Determination and Affinity Quantification of Protein-Ligand Interactions from Biological Material
Thursday afternoon: Workshop Standardization / Education
Standardization in AFM for Life Sciences: Mechanobiology, NP
Bringing AFM to life-science and hospital people: The educational side
Friday Morning MC Meeting
Pierre Parot COST Action Report
Friday aftenoon: Round table on standardization
The Meetings will take place in Importanne Resort Hotels situated on Lapad peninsula only four kilometers from the Old Town of Dubrovnik and twenty-five kilometers from Dubrovnik's airport... more details here:
Please note that the deadline written on the form is not valid any more and that they should book asap.
Participants are invited booking by themselves ASAP.